Aspire TrainingReasonable Accommodation Request Form - Aspire Training

Reasonable Accommodation Request Form

It is the responsibility of the learner to inform Aspire Training in sufficient time in order for a Reasonable Accommodation request to be processed, reviewed and for any necessary steps to be put in place. The process for assessing and implementing Reasonable Accommodations for assessment of learners with special requirements requires the learner to:

The link for this form is available within the Learner Handbook issued by Aspire Training at the start of a programme. The completed form and the medical evidence will be reviewed by the Academic Committee and the learner will be notified of the outcome.

Examples of potential reasonable accommodations include:

– The amount of additional time will be agreed in advance with all relevant stakeholders (i.e., learner, tutor and the Academic Committee)

– The assistant manager will organise a scribe to assist the learner.

– Assessment will take place in an environment which respects the needs of the learner (this may involve a separate assessment room)

– The Assistant Manager will arrange for all the required equipment to be in place in time for the assessment

– A test session may be arranged with the learner to ensure that all equipment is function correctly.

– The tutor/assessor will conduct the assessment ensuring proper invigilation for all participants.

Computer with assistive technologies (e.g., large text, spoken text):

– The Assistant Manager will ensure that the required assistive technology is in place and functioning correctly prior to the assessment.

– A test run may be conducted with the learner.

Dyslexia support (e.g., spelling waiver:

– The learner, the tutor/assessor, and the External Authenticator will be advised that a spelling waiver is in place and no marks will be deducted for any spelling error.