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Rory’s Blog

Budget 2022: What Does It Mean for Childcare and SNAs?

What is the Pathways to Work Strategy?

When will I get my results or my certificate?

Do I Need a Level 5 qualification in order to do a Level 6?

Should I Start a Special Needs Assisting (SNA) Module?

Budget 2022: What Does It Mean for Childcare and SNAs?


The government has recently announced a number of measures in the 2022 Budget to benefit children and parents when it comes to childcare, as well as trainee/qualified Special Needs Assistants.

Minister Michael McGrath has announced that the Government will invest €716 million into childcare in 2022. He also stated that this would mark “a turning point in the State’s approach to the early years, and childcare sector”. Moreover, Education Minister Norma Foley has secured funding for 1,165 new special needs assistants and almost 1,000 special education teachers.

Budget 2022 Childcare Special Needs Assistants

What is the Pathways to Work Strategy?


The Government announced on the 12th July 2021 a new Pathways to Work Strategy 2021-2025 aimed to decrease the number of long-term unemployed people in Ireland, which is currently around 75,000 people. They also plan to reduce the youth unemployment rate from 44% to 12.5% within the next 2 years.

The Pathways to Work Strategy aims to provide 50,000 places with training providers and further education settings, 10,000 apprenticeships and 1,000 places on Community Employment and Tús programmes.

Pathways to Work Strategy 2021-2025

When will I get my results or my certificate?


Many learners often ask what QQI assessment is and how it works. This can be a confusing process for both new learners, and even for those who have had previous experience with it. This post will explain each stage, from the initial training provider’s tutor correction, to the certification issue period.

The Assessment Process is the process of evaluating a learner’s achievement in relation to a set of knowledge, skill, and competency standards in order to provide the QQI accredited award to the successful learner.

Do I Need a Level 5 qualification in order to do a Level 6?


One question that we get a lot at Aspire Training is in relation to entry requirements. Some people come from different disciplines with degrees as high as QQI level 8 and level 9, while others have level 3 and 4 awards such as  Junior or Leaving Certificates. 

Unfortunately the answer is not as straightforward as a simple yes or no. The answer depends on a variety of things such as which training provider you are with, what your qualifications are in and/or what previous relevant experience you have obtained. 

Level 5 Level 6 QQI course programme SNA special needs assisting

Should I Start a Special Needs Assisting (SNA) Module?


There is no better time to start your training in Special Needs Assisting. In the most recent education budget, it was announced that there will be 990 new SNA jobs created in 2021. This will take the number of SNAs in Irish schools to 18,000, the highest figure ever recorded.

In the budget, Minister Michael McGrath Minister Michael McGrath outlined that the total allocation to the Department of Education would amount to almost €9 billion. Of this €9 billion, €2 billion will be allocated to special needs education. This report was originally posted by RTE and you can read more about the budget here.

SNA Special Needs Assisting level 5 and level 6 award programme