Aspire TrainingQQI Level 6 Disability Awareness (6N1975) - Aspire Training


Learners who complete this course will enhance their skills and knowledge on different models and types of disability, including physical and learning disabilities. They will also learn the historical and cultural backgrounds of disability awareness.

Learners will become familiar with the different assistive technologies and teaching methods which will help with the negative aspects of each disability. They will also acquire an understanding of the various theoretical models of disability and will have an awareness of the different legal issues associated with disability.

Employment opportunities include a wide variety of positions within the social care sector, healthcare sector, or with those with intellectual disabilities.

Programme Profile and Timeframe:

The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill and competence in the models and types of disabilities, and the legal and social structures and services in place to accommodate disabilities at national and community level and in the workplace.

The assessment for this course is as follows:

Assignment – 50%

Learner Record – 50%

See more about these assessments here.

This programme is currently run online, over 6 weeks. Each week, there is a 3-hour zoom class, accumulating to 18 hours in total. As this is a QQI accredited course, learners must attend 80% of these hours in order to receive their QQI certificate.


Entry Requirements:

Applicants must be aged 16 and above to apply

Learners must have completed their Leaving certificate, a Level 5 certificate or equivalent in a relevant subject area (Special Needs/Childcare/Healthcare) and/or relevant practical experience (3 years minimum) – Please contact our office to discuss more about this.

English Language Proficiency: Learners entering programmes leading to Level 5 awards are expected to be able to: be proficient at reading, drafting, preparing and understanding information across a broad range of topics, including quantitative information.

Learners undertaking this programme must have basic IT skills and access to the necessary equipment to enable them to undertake an online programme: computer, stable broadband connection, email, Microsoft Office or Google Documents, recording equipment necessary for some skills demonstration tasks, and where applicable any other specialised software/equipment.

Work Experience:

Work experience is not a mandatory requirement to pass this programme. We do, however, encourage our learners to complete some voluntary work experience over the duration of the programme. Learners who wish to complete voluntary work can be issued with a letter from Aspire Training confirming they are enrolled on the course.

Course Materials:

All course materials are provided by Aspire Training and will be available through an online platform that suits the individual learner.


All tutors on this programme are qualified in their specific fields to a minimum level of two above that of which they are teaching. Our tutors also have practical experience in their individual fields along with experience and qualifications in adult training and development.

Tutoring Methodologies

A variety of methods and approaches are used including: practical demonstrations, oral presentations / interviews, individual tutorial support, assignments and projects, work experience, discussions and debates, role play and attendance by specialist guest speakers.


The cost of this module is €350.00.

Payment is made in two installments as follows:

Payment 1: €175.00 Booking deposit, this is payable when booking to secure your place.

Payment 2: €175.00 payable on week three of the course.

Please note that deposits are non-refundable, unless the course is changed or cancelled by ourselves.


If you are in receipt of a payment from the Department of Social Protection, on a CE Scheme or participating in activation schemes, you may be eligible for some funding. Please contact the office for further advice in relation to this. 

More information on the funding process and how to apply is available here.

Next Steps

This course leads to a level 6 award on the National Framework of Qualifications.

Learners can use this credit towards completing the Level 6 Major Award in Early Childhood Care & Education – 6M2007.

Protection for Learners

Protection of Enrolled Learners (‘PEL’) is a legal requirement for providers to put in place arrangements to ensure that if a programme of education and training ceases prematurely, learners will be able to complete a similar programme with another provider, or have their moneys refunded.

As Aspire Training continues to make quality improvements we are currently working on changing our PEL arrangements from using alternate providers, to using insurance arrangements. This will ensure contingency and learners will receive the most up-to-date information in the Learner Handbook.

Learner Admission

Click here to view our Learner Admission Policy

Reasonable Accommodation

It is the responsibility of the learner to inform Aspire Training in sufficient time in order for a Reasonable Accommodation request to be processed, reviewed and for any necessary steps to be put in place. The process for assessing and implementing Reasonable Accommodations for assessment of learners with special requirements requires the learner to:

– Inform Aspire Training, through the registration form, of any special requirement as soon as enrolment has taken place.

– Notify their tutor or administration staff of their need for special requirement(s).

– Complete a special requirements form and return this to Aspire Training with a letter from their doctor or medical professional to confirm their needs in relation to special accommodation(s).

The link for this form is available within the Learner Handbook issued by Aspire Training at the start of a programme. The completed form and the medical evidence will be reviewed by the Academic Committee and the learner will be notified of the outcome.

QQI Level 6 Disability Awareness
Monday, November 4th, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Monday, November 11th, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Monday, November 18th, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Monday, November 25th, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Monday, December 2nd, 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Monday, December 9th , 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Tutor: Aisling Mortell-Beglan
Location: Online

Click on the link below if you would like to secure your place on this training course: